
The mOre yOu Go, tHE more u wilL GetS

ThEre ArE alWays a Ways To Go throUgh WheN We LooK FrOnt @ ForwaRd

WitHout BraveneSS The ImaGine @ dreAm cAn't Be trUE

salaM seMUa....

waNT to maKE frieNDS wiTh me?????

ComE jOin wiTH in tHIS bloGS areA.......

Monday, February 1, 2010


In the future,I want to be a system engineer..why????because I really like this occupation and furthermore now I'm still study about being a system engineer @ programmer...I want to work with MCSE and gain knowledge from there and then I can open my company..I also don't know why i like this subject b'coz last time I learn this subject,I really don't understand a word.I don't have to tell you how much my hateress in this subject..But now?????I will keep studying in this subject to achieve my ambition and perhaps I'll will continue studying at oversea..who know????may GOD bless me wish me luck k..

tIMe is Gold....