- In this Blog,you All can See that I use the fUnky n AnimaTION style....
- reAson of chooSing thIS typE oF LAyout is b'cOz I realLy haTE the COmplEx Type of Layout..I likE thE thiNgs tHAt someTimes can bRing mE to fantaSY woRld OF my CReatioN in Mind....
- i likE to ThRow away my Feeling That haPPen tO me In daily LiFE...Want to sharE soMe opiNion fROm otHers foR Some topIC....
- being a BlooGer is So difficULt at FIrst tiMe but in THe eND yoU Will fiNd The benEFit oF dOinG thIS bLoG..I feeL reAlly exCited afTer learNIngs iT....
- BeIng a BLOggEr 4 tHe fiRst tIMe is REallY hard@DIfficulT..soMetimEs I feLt likE i'm Gonna Quit,But my FriendS and lEctuREr giVE me The Full suPPort frOm thE baCk..I fEEl so reliEf AftEr thIS blog is SUccESSfullY Done..pRAise To THe GOD....
Today I have a chance to attend a writing workshop organized by UMP
Library. The speaker for the workshop is Encik Mohd. Hamka Bin Embong of Kereta
6 years ago