
The mOre yOu Go, tHE more u wilL GetS

ThEre ArE alWays a Ways To Go throUgh WheN We LooK FrOnt @ ForwaRd

WitHout BraveneSS The ImaGine @ dreAm cAn't Be trUE

salaM seMUa....

waNT to maKE frieNDS wiTh me?????

ComE jOin wiTH in tHIS bloGS areA.......

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


  • In this Blog,you All can See that I use the fUnky n AnimaTION style....
  • reAson of chooSing thIS typE oF LAyout is b'cOz I realLy haTE the COmplEx Type of Layout..I likE thE thiNgs tHAt someTimes can bRing mE to fantaSY woRld OF my CReatioN in Mind....
  • i likE to ThRow away my Feeling That haPPen tO me In daily LiFE...Want to sharE soMe opiNion fROm otHers foR Some topIC....
  • being a BlooGer is So difficULt at FIrst tiMe but in THe eND yoU Will fiNd The benEFit oF dOinG thIS bLoG..I feeL reAlly exCited afTer learNIngs iT....
  • BeIng a BLOggEr 4 tHe fiRst tIMe is REallY hard@DIfficulT..soMetimEs I feLt likE i'm Gonna Quit,But my FriendS and lEctuREr giVE me The Full suPPort frOm thE baCk..I fEEl so reliEf AftEr thIS blog is SUccESSfullY Done..pRAise To THe GOD....


  1. yup...this layout match with u...
    keep it up with this blog...
    i will support u...hehe

  2. your layout is nice..
    n..cute like u...wakahkah..


tIMe is Gold....