Friday, April 23, 2010
Describe about someone that i...
this person is quite close to me. We go almost everywhere together.Sometimes i really like her,but sometimes i really hate her so much. there are times that she can make joy but sometimes she can make me feel annoying at her just because of her appearance and everything about her. I just can say about her that most of the times she makes me feel miserable at her.God i hope that she can change her attitude and makes some lesson from the past because now i know that many people doesn't like her.....i sorry for her but i hope that she don't do the things that she do to me at any other people....
Why Communication Is Important To Getting Job???
Communication is the heart of every organization. Everything you do in the workplace results from communication. Therefore good reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are essential if tasks are going to be completed and goals achieved. As you develop your career you will find various reasons why successful communication skills are important to you..when you go to interview to get the job you will need to communicate well during your interview if you are to sell yourself and get the job you want..You will need good communication skills to make sure your application letter is read and acted upon..if you have good communication skill, easy for you to getting the job.Nowadays communication is very important rather than skill but it still can be include also.many poeple concentrate more on skill but they don't know that communication is more important.Without it,you can't go further or get any job.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
- In this Blog,you All can See that I use the fUnky n AnimaTION style....
- reAson of chooSing thIS typE oF LAyout is b'cOz I realLy haTE the COmplEx Type of Layout..I likE thE thiNgs tHAt someTimes can bRing mE to fantaSY woRld OF my CReatioN in Mind....
- i likE to ThRow away my Feeling That haPPen tO me In daily LiFE...Want to sharE soMe opiNion fROm otHers foR Some topIC....
- being a BlooGer is So difficULt at FIrst tiMe but in THe eND yoU Will fiNd The benEFit oF dOinG thIS bLoG..I feeL reAlly exCited afTer learNIngs iT....
- BeIng a BLOggEr 4 tHe fiRst tIMe is REallY hard@DIfficulT..soMetimEs I feLt likE i'm Gonna Quit,But my FriendS and lEctuREr giVE me The Full suPPort frOm thE baCk..I fEEl so reliEf AftEr thIS blog is SUccESSfullY Done..pRAise To THe GOD....
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
salam PERkenaLAn....
So pleaSE teAch mE Wat I don'T KnOW.....
Give some GooD adVIce ToO K.....
niCe meeTIng YouU AlL....